Visual Art & Musical Sound

IconicAF Series - Season 3


Season 3


Season 3 of the IconicAF series highlights some of the most brilliant and prolific minds of any time. These men and women alike have blessed us with technological marvels, impeccably divine pieces of art, beautiful poems, timeless but sustainable bits of wisdom and morality, and even pried some of of the most closely guarded secrets of natural law out of the firm grasp of mother nature herself. Being a scientist and artist myself, these are some of the folks that have inspired me to seek truth, be prolific, and add more to the world than I took from it.

And with that Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to welcome you to IconicAF Season 3!


Albert Einstein

S3, Episode 1: “mr relativity”


status: available

Jewish by birth, and a former citizen and denizen of Switzerland. To one of the greatest minds of any time that helped us all see that energy and matter are but different manifestations of the same thing, and showed us that time itself is an illusion... albeit a stubbornly persistent one. I think it is pretty safe to say that anyone who pursues intellectual excellence of any sort has at some point taken some inspiration from this great man. This particular piece is a popular choice for office decor. This is the first piece of work in season 3 of the “Iconic AF” series.

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D.


Steven Paul Jobs

S3, Episode 2: “ipod, therefore I am”


status: sold! (San francisco, Ca)

Steve was without doubt one of the most creative and influential entrepreneurs of all time. Dazzling the world with beautifully designed products in which form perfectly matched function. He also staged a comeback for the ages overcoming early setbacks to conquer three industries (digital animation, personal computing, and digital music) in the most spectacular fashion. His story is one of astounding guts, creativity, and almost inhuman perseverance. He and his team at apple were immensely prolific, gifting the world one magical computer enabled tool after another. This trend in my opinion culminated in the birth of the mighty iPhone which has forever changed the way we interact with each other and do business. Steve… we salute you man, you’ve more than done your part to push us forward. Rest in power!

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D

Elon Musk

Elon Musk

S3, Episode 3: “rocket man”


status: sold! (San francisco, Ca)

Want to talk about being prolific? Elon has worked tirelessly to bring the world PayPal, The stunning Model S,3,X,Y electric cars, Affordable space travel just to name a few things. Any one of those accomplishments would be sufficient to build a legacy on but Elon still shows no signs of slowing down. One of the towering geniuses of our generation, he shows an almost pathological intellectual restlessness that defies logic. Every time I am blasting down the US 101 highway and I see a Model S or a Model X, I just chuckle to myself as I mutter “I still don’t believe this dude found a way to pull this shit off” under my breath. He is intellectually remarkable, and his capacity for sheer hard work is prodigious. I sure am grateful that he’s around, and that he actually seems to be somewhat benevolent in his quest to drag humanity forward whether we like it or not LOL. We hail you Mr Musk… keep going!

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D

Frida Khalo

Frida Khalo

S3, Episode 4: “Frida!”


status: available

Frida Khalo remains an icon in the realm of artistic creativity. An individual who was unabashedly herself, she remains an example to all of us to embrace our quirkiness and what makes us unique. They say that the mark of a great artist is unique and recognizable artwork that is unmistakable and I don’t think anyone in their right minds would argue that Frida delivered on that throughout her entire career. She is definitely one of the artists that I admired even before I knew I could draw/paint and she is definitely one I have looked to for inspiration throughout the duration of my artistic career. Much love Frida, thank you for all you’ve given to our world.

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D


Ruth Bader Ginsburg

s3, episode 5: RBG

24”X30” acrylic painting on canvas

status: Sold! (Hillsborough, CA)

Very inspirational figure brought to my attention by a good friend. Her many achievements and uncanny ability to surmount seemingly constant difficulty are to be admired. I think she's also the first or second female elected to the supreme court which is no small feat. She is to be commended, as a source or inspiration to all of us.

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D