Visual Art & Musical Sound

City Scapes


Most of the unforgettable, charming memories I have accrued in my life are inextricably linked to a city. I cannot really think about soccer without thinking about North London and my beloved Arsenal F.C. When I’m reminded of my college years, it’s almost like I can smell and hear the streets of Pittsburgh PA. Driving around in Audi’s also reminds me of my home city of San Francisco CA. Every time I walk past a gelato store anywhere in the world, my mind immediately harkens back to the few glorious summers I spent in the eternal city of Rome. This series of work depicts some of the most iconic cities in the world that happen to hold a special place in my heart. Quite simply, I love these cities so much that I actually live in one of them, and visit the other ones as often as my crazy schedule/life will allow.

City Scape: Downtown San Francisco, California. Completed 2023 A.D.

city scape of san francisco, california

medium: charcoal/pencil

size: 12”X16” on multimedia artboard

status: sold! (Vienna, virgina. USA)

My charming home city of San Francisco California! I moved here over 20 years ago as a young man in University and have stuck with it ever since. This tiny slightly overcrowded city is so beautiful and unique. There is literally nothing quite like it in the entire world. It manages to seamlessly combine unparalleled technological advancement, hippie culture, multiple powerful sports fanbases, and some of the best food in the world in one location. Oh.. and it is also a huge melting pot of pretty much all cultures that the world has on offer. Having lived here so many years, I often take for granted just how iconic it is until friends and family visit and remind me of all the incredible landmarks I routinely drive by each day. An iconic city no doubt… I just hope we don’t destroy it because of our collective carelessness and neglect.

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D.


City Scape: Downtown London. United Kingdom. Completed 2022 A.D.

CITY SCAPE of london, united kingdom

medium: Charcoal/pencil

size: 12”X16” on multimedia artboard

status: available

London is undoubtedly in my top three favorite cities in the entire world. The only place I have been to that feels more magical is the eternal city of Rome. Maybe it is because I grew up as an avid Arsenal F.C. fan who spent a majority of his summers walking the streets of North London with a football in hand looking to join any kickabout I happened upon at whatever random park I decided to go to that day. I love the chaos of Piccadilly circus, the sound of the underground trains, the influx of the Jamaican culture in the UK rap scene, the smell of the buses, and the awkwardness of those black cabs. If you still haven’t spent at least a week in this city as you read this, trust me when I say “you need to”.

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D.


City Scape: Paris, France. Completed 2024 A.D.

city scape of paris, france

medium: charcoal/pencil

size: 12”X16” on multimedia artboard

Status: sold! (burlington, massachusetts)

The city of love! This gorgeous city was always going to be part of this series, but its creation got expedited when a collector outright requested it as a gift for her wonderful husband. I loved creating this piece not only because Paris is so historic and beautiful, but also because I have known this friend, her husband, and their two (at the time of writing this) adorable little girls for a few years. Knowing that they’ll probably see this part of me every day for the rest of time even when I am not physically there, is one of the many gifts that being an artist has afforded me. For that, and for all my collectors that allow me to live this beautiful life, I will forever be grateful.

Without Wax
Chuba Oyolu Ph.D.